The presented ring already translates the motif of enduring connection into its construction: it is a gimmel ring. The term derives from the Latin gemellus, twin. With the gimmel ring, the ring rail is divided into several narrow hoops, which can be moved individually, but are inseparably connected and only together form the ring. The gimmel ring is a beautiful symbol of two lovers, each free and independent and yet only together making a whole, walking side by side through life.
This gimmel ring consists of three ring hoops or four gold wires. The two middle gold wires were soldered together to form the central ring rail, the two outer ring hoops each carry a pair of mani in fede. Thus, the Fede symbol appears twice. At the base of the ring, the four gold wires are artistically tied together, i.e. they twist around and into each other, which sounds like a riddle. The path of each individual gold wire through these complicated twists can be easily traced, as the two middle wires are corrugated and accordingly stand out from the outer ones. The ring can be opened with this clever cording. So far this is the only gimmel ring of this type that I have had the privilege of discovering!
Two right hands each hold a heart firmly, as if protecting it, so that only the upper curves peek out. The cuffs taper in a floral decorative element. It could be four oak leaves, which symbolize immortality, steadfastness and loyalty.
While industrialization, i.e. the mechanical production of goods, was gaining ground in the German-speaking region around 1830, and jewellery production was also increasingly relying on factory production of jewellery parts, the presented gimmel ring seems to celebrate craftsmanship. The playful, carefree handling of the motif of connectedness is captivating, and the double Fede symbol with hearts reminds you of deep, eternal love at every glance!