This symbolic Fede ring does not show the mani in fede in a typical handshake. From around 1820 onwards, right hands that are not interlaced but instead hold a medallion, a heart or a precious stone are increasingly found in German-speaking countries. They were given as gifts of love and friendship.
This ring is reminiscent of the Irish Claddagh ring, which uses the same design language to present two hands holding a heart with a crown. The heart symbolizes love, the hands friendship and trust, the crown faithfulness and loyalty. Depending on which hand and in which direction such a ring is worn, it reflects the romantic status of a person: whether they are in a romantic relationship, married or looking for a partner.
This code could also have been used in the presented ring. However, in contrast to the Claddagh ring, which consists of a right and a left hand, the Fede ring always shows two right hands, i.e. the hands of two people who connect.
In the presented Fede ring, the two hands are fully sculpted and form with the heart they hold the ring bezel. However, the ring also features the original Fede symbol, the handshake, at the base of the hoop, hidden and visible only to the wearer. This characteristic design is similar to well-known medieval rings, in which a gemstone forms the ring bezel and the ring base is decorated with the mani in fede.
The cuffs are also designed in a historicizing style: lavish scrollwork with mannerist chasing adorn the ring shoulders. Even the small hands at the ring base wear laced ruffs, indicating Renaissance fashion.
The presented Fede ring impresses with its bubbling wealth of ideas in the use of love motifs - which can be deduced at first glance, but also only at second glance, and is a beautiful token of true love and friendship!